• KKTK - Këshilli i Kosovës për Trashëgimi Kulturore
  • SKKN - Savet Kosova za Kulturno Nasleđe
  • KCCH - Kosova Council for the Cultural Heritage

Kalaja e Harilaqit

The Harilaq Fortress (IV-VI century) is located on a hill known as the Gradina of Harilaq, erected in a very dominant position to west of the village of Harilaq. It is located about 9 km southeast of Fushe Kosova at an altitude of 766 meters with a circular surface with 1.3 ha defensive walls. Archaeological excavations in this fortress started in 2005 and continued systematically until 2010, but some conservation and consolidation of the walls have been carried out for the purpose of protecting and preserving it. During the archaeological excavations carried out in six seasons, numerous traces of sacral, profane and utilitarian objects were identified along the entire outer face of the fortress wall with the towers, the church with three naves and a sacristy, and two almost identical structures in the shape of a ring of a sacral complex. In addition, abundant portable archaeological material such as work tools, jewellery, coins, bricks, glass fragments and architectural structures that specifically emphasize the period of late antiquity, especially that of Justinian's time, were identified. Based on its archaeological, historical, social and spiritual values, the Harilaq Fortress was proclaimed a site under permanent protection by the Kosovo Council for Cultural Heritage in 2016.

  • Municipality: Fushë Kosovë
  • Coordinates: 42.578318 20.997823
  • Date of announcement: 06.10.2016
  • Perimeter of the asset: 5.11 ha
  • Protected area: 17.62 ha

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